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  • 17:21 UTC (new) 2024-05-20 Org-clockify . . . . mbork A long time ago I mentioned that we use Toggl in the company I work for. Being the (sole) Emacs user in the company, I (of course) use Org mode clocking features, so I wrote a simple integration for Toggl. In the last few weeks, I played around with another time-tracking tool, Clockify. (Don’t get me started on the name, which is horrible to search for.) Of course, again I decided that I need to bridge the gap between Org mode and Clockify, and a simple global minor mode was born. It is rather bare-bones, but this is exactly what I needed. Feel free to expand it if your needs are greater.


  • 07:59 UTC (new) 2024-05-04 Pretty printing SQL . . . . mbork I work with PostgreSQL on a daily basis, and I often share queries with my teammates. I like to show them nicely formatted queries instead of the mess I sometimes write;-). A bit surprisingly, I had troubles finding a nice SQL pretty-printer/formatter.


  • 16:51 UTC (diff) 2024-04-27 Emacs everywhere . . . . mbork add categories (minor)
  • 06:39 UTC (new) 2024-04-27 Emacs everywhere . . . . mbork A few years ago I mentioned that I use Textern so that I can easily edit input boxes and text areas in Emacs. While I still use it, it seems less and less great. More and more web apps do crazy JavaScript things with their input​s and textarea​s, and they sometimes interfere with Textern in unpredictable ways. Recently, I found something similar but possibly better: Emacs everywhere.

